One KD Note


  • Value

    One KD Note

  • Dimensions

    130 mm x 68 mm

  • Dominant Colour


  • Principal Subjects (Front)

    Vignette of the Grand Mosque

  • Principal Subjects (Back)

    Vignette of a Real-Life Illustration of Many Influences of Ancient Greek Civilization in Kuwait’s Island of Failaka


Kuwait’s History and Islam; A superb illustration of the Grand Mosque, the largest mosque in the country as well as a symbol of Kuwait’s Islamic identity, is portrayed on the banknote’s front. The backside of the banknote displays a real-life illustration of an ionic column, one of the many influences of ancient Greek civilization that swept across and settled in Kuwait’s island of Failaka.

Vignette of the Grand Mosque

Vignette of the Grand Mosque

A superb illustration of the Grand Mosque, the largest mosque in the country as well as a symbol of Kuwait’s Islamic identity, is portrayed on the banknote’s front.

Vignette of a Real-Life Illustration of Many Influences of Ancient Greek Civilization

Vignette of a Real-Life Illustration of Many Influences of Ancient Greek Civilization

The backside of the banknote displays a real-life illustration of an iconic column, one of the many influences of ancient Greece’s civilization that swept across and settled in Kuwait’s island of Failaka.