

CBK Honors Distinguished Employees for the Ninth Consecutive Year

To foster excellence and outstanding performance, the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) honored distinguished staff on Thursday 31 March 2022 under the participation of the CBK Governor, Dr. Mohammad Y. Al-Hashel.

The distinguished employees awards ceremony is held for the ninth year in a row in recognition of distinguished and top-performing employees, and helps motivate more dedication and enhance employee loyalty.

Honored staff are selected against objective, clear, and detailed criteria that cover, among other factors, staff performance and output, timeliness and discipline, sense of responsibility, initiatives and contributions, and personal effort to improve skills and performance.

In a message addressed to CBK staff, Dr. Al-Hashel expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all the distinguished employees wishing them continued success, and handed over the prizes and certificates of appreciation to the CBK-level distinguished employee, Ms. Sarah A. Al-Katrash, and the other four sector-level distinguished employees: Ms. Jouri A. Al-Dhubaib (Governor’s Sector), Ms. Farah A. Al-Saraf (Supervision Sector), Ms. Maryam M. Al-Mukhaizeem (Operations and Economic Research Sector), and Mr. Khaled M. Al-Kandary (Organization and Administration Sector). The names and photos of the honorees were posted in the Hall of Excellence designated for this purpose at CBK HQ and on the Bank’s portal.

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