Press Releases
CBK Adds 5 New Companies to e-Payment Services Providers, e-Money Services Providers & e-Payment Systems Operators Register
Continuing its efforts to boost innovation in financial services, enhance electronic payment services and regulate these activities, ensure providing high-quality, efficient and secure services to the public, and improve effectiveness and flexibility of financial transactions, the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) approved the registration of four companies to practice as e- Payment Services Providers (EPSP), and one company as an e-Payment Services Operator (EPSO).
This came in a press statement, in which CBK stated that the approved companies were registered in the register of EPSP, EMSP and EPSO are: My Fatoorah E-Payment Services, Payzah Payments Systems, Tap Payments, Casheer for Electronic Payment & Settlement Systems, to practice as e-Payment Services Providers (EPSP). In addition, CBK approved the registration of The Shared Electronic Banking Services Co. (KNET), to practice as an e-Payment Systems Operator (EPSO).
CBK concluded its statement by stressing the importance of dealing with financial institutions licensed by CBK to practice activities in these areas. The following is the related link: